Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I Should Really be Cleaning up the Kitchen Now
But blogging is more fun, and it's been a while since I did. And maybe Mendy will stop posting random news items if we post actual family news . . . .
Following an entire week off from school, the kids (and therefore, us parents, too,) had a pretty normal week.
This past Shabbos was interesting. Tzvi and Sara Nechama went to their Bubby and Zaidy's house for Shabbos to keep them company. The rest of us stayed home. On Friday night, Shifra was in bed during the meal, so Yanky pretty much got all of the attention he could desire from us, and then some. But come Shabbos afternoon, Yanky was bored. He and Shifra repeatedly requested to be walked to visit Tzvi and Sara at Bubby's house. Yosef and I were not interested in making the trek. Partly because it's a long walk, it was cold outside, the sidewalks are still covered in snow, and because Chaife was staying at Shmuly and Avital's and had said she might walk over to visit. Sure enough, Chaife showed up during the afternoon and saved the day! She read to Yanky and then played games. Shmuly, Avital, and Ahuva also came over to visit and joined in a game of Whoonu (well, Shmuly and Avital played, not Ahuva) with Chaife and Yanky.
Sunday, after the boys got home from school, we went to a hachnosos sefer torah for Rabbi Weiss's shul.
Another picture:
Monday was Hadassah Miriam's 4-month checkup at the pediatrician. Poor kid got two shots, but she is B"H doing well. 13 lb 3 oz and 25 inches long, although I don't know how accurate the length is.
Yesterday Yosef went to the boys' school's banquet, so we didn't see much of him. Tonight Yosef had citizen's patrol, so we again didn't see him much. And they are calling for more snow here starting in the middle of the night tonight and lasting most of the day tomorrow.
We are getting ready for Purim -- baking hamentashen, buying supplies, and starting to cook for the seuda. Costumes are ready, and we have a random assortment. Penguin for Hadassah, Tigger for Shifra, baker for Sara, and the boys will be police men again.
Oh, and this past Tues. night/Wed. day were our 10th anniversary as per the Jewish calendar. Imagine that!
Following an entire week off from school, the kids (and therefore, us parents, too,) had a pretty normal week.
This past Shabbos was interesting. Tzvi and Sara Nechama went to their Bubby and Zaidy's house for Shabbos to keep them company. The rest of us stayed home. On Friday night, Shifra was in bed during the meal, so Yanky pretty much got all of the attention he could desire from us, and then some. But come Shabbos afternoon, Yanky was bored. He and Shifra repeatedly requested to be walked to visit Tzvi and Sara at Bubby's house. Yosef and I were not interested in making the trek. Partly because it's a long walk, it was cold outside, the sidewalks are still covered in snow, and because Chaife was staying at Shmuly and Avital's and had said she might walk over to visit. Sure enough, Chaife showed up during the afternoon and saved the day! She read to Yanky and then played games. Shmuly, Avital, and Ahuva also came over to visit and joined in a game of Whoonu (well, Shmuly and Avital played, not Ahuva) with Chaife and Yanky.
Sunday, after the boys got home from school, we went to a hachnosos sefer torah for Rabbi Weiss's shul.

Monday was Hadassah Miriam's 4-month checkup at the pediatrician. Poor kid got two shots, but she is B"H doing well. 13 lb 3 oz and 25 inches long, although I don't know how accurate the length is.
Yesterday Yosef went to the boys' school's banquet, so we didn't see much of him. Tonight Yosef had citizen's patrol, so we again didn't see him much. And they are calling for more snow here starting in the middle of the night tonight and lasting most of the day tomorrow.
We are getting ready for Purim -- baking hamentashen, buying supplies, and starting to cook for the seuda. Costumes are ready, and we have a random assortment. Penguin for Hadassah, Tigger for Shifra, baker for Sara, and the boys will be police men again.
Oh, and this past Tues. night/Wed. day were our 10th anniversary as per the Jewish calendar. Imagine that!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sick Baby
So first of all, thanks Mendy, love the pictures that you posted....
As some of you know, Ahuva is a sick little girl. Chaife was here for 2 days of it (high five!) and she can attest that it was sad and yucky. She's had fever since shabbos so we went to the doctor yesterday who said she doesn't have an ear infection and she's just sick. If she still has fever tomorrow we're gonna need to go back and have it checked out again.
That's just about all that's new here. Shmuly has an interview at University of Pittsburgh on Shushan Purim so we're going to be in Pittsburgh for Purim. We'll post pictures of our costume-- it's gonna be fun. That's all the news here and now I'm gonna go get some work done....
As some of you know, Ahuva is a sick little girl. Chaife was here for 2 days of it (high five!) and she can attest that it was sad and yucky. She's had fever since shabbos so we went to the doctor yesterday who said she doesn't have an ear infection and she's just sick. If she still has fever tomorrow we're gonna need to go back and have it checked out again.
Shout out to Yosef and Lisa for letting us borrow their humidifier so that Ahuva can breathe at night...
So, needless to say, I can't go to school because Ahuva can't go to the babysitter and no one wants to watch the poor, sick baby.That's just about all that's new here. Shmuly has an interview at University of Pittsburgh on Shushan Purim so we're going to be in Pittsburgh for Purim. We'll post pictures of our costume-- it's gonna be fun. That's all the news here and now I'm gonna go get some work done....
Monday, February 22, 2010
calling all docs...
well really PT's but I guess y'all pretty much share general info...
i think i may have done something to my adductor pollicis muscle in my hand. You know the little area between your thumb and your index finger. From what i've been reading sounds like trigger finger, but becuase i don't usually handle "triggers" of any kind, it's more likely beecause i tend to hook my thumb on the strap of my backpack (and that thing can get heavy!)

It's not really so bad, but is hard to get a good grip on bottles or cans and ...
Any ideas on how to fix it?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Since you guys are complaining that our blog is boring, I decided to post some new stuff - don't get too excited - it's not that great. We went to Uncle Yankel's kiddush today in honor of the birth of the newest Isenberg, Miriam Orit. It was very beautiful - Chani made a very cute centerpiece spelling out her name, and the guest of honor was there in all her splendor wearing a really cute white and pink dress and sporting a lovely silver bracelet on her wrist. Afterwards, we went to the Rubin's for lunch - everything gourmet from the cholent to the salad and down to the desert chocolate cake with pecan caramel glaze on the top - delicious! You can get fat just by looking at it. We walked home to burn off some of those calories. Thank you Mishpachat Rubin.
Big news in Chicago - Yaffa Wiesel is engaged! The Choson is Matt Cohen, currently living in St. Louis. Everyone of course is very excited.
We are making Sheva Brachos on Monday night for Yehudis Bakst Zussman and her husband, so lots to do tomorrow - shopping, cooking, and baking for Purim.
Hope you guys all over are B"H fine. Kisses and hugs to all the kinderlach.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Intersession Activities
As I mentioned last time, the kids had vacation over this past Thurs - Mon/Tues. The boys got out of school early last Thurs. and the girls were off the whole day. Sara and Shifra went to Bubby's house to be watched/entertained by Elisheva who happened to be in town. I went to work. Friday and Shabbos were as usual. So the activities started on Sunday.
Sunday morning we took a trip to Ultimate Play Zone. They had open play hours for children 8 and under, which was perfect for us. We took Chaim Rosenblum with us too, 'cuz it's always more fun when you take a friend along (he's Julie's 3 year old). The kids all had a good time. It's basically one of those places with inflatables for kids to bounce on and slide down.
On the way home from there (actually, really on the way home from dropping off Chaim), we were stopped at a red light. Glancing out my window, I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. Who do you suppose was in the car next to us? It was Shmuly and Avital. We rolled down our windows and had a short conversation. They were on their way to a museum in DC. The rest of our Sunday was pretty quiet. The kids played outside in the snow. After lunch we offered the kids a trip to the library, but they declined. So some of us went to 7 Mile, but mostly the kids just spent the afternoon at home doing whatever it is they do.
Monday was the day scheduled for the "big" trip. Unfortunately, Yosef was going to work, so it was just me and the kids. But we took along Bubby and Janice and her 4 kids, so we had plenty of company. And we filled up our entire van!! We drove to Pennsylvania, near York, and toured the Utz potato chip factory. It was a self-guided tour, where you can push buttons near windows overlooking the actual working machinery to hear about what you are looking at. And, of course, there were free chips. The kids found it interesting, although I think the littler ones (ages 3 and under) most enjoyed the long hallway to run up and down. I thought it was fun when some of the workers looked up and waved at us. Then we went to the nearby Utz outlet store and bought some more chips and got more free chips. Lunch was served in the van in the store parking lot.
After, actually, more like during lunch, we drove to the next destination -- snow tubing. A local tzedaka organization had linked up with the place so that some of the proceeds would go to the tzedaka. We had pre-paid for me and the older kids and were told it would be cheaper to pay for the kids when we got there. When we signed in, they told us there was some sort of mix up with the coordinator for the tzedaka org, so the kids could just go in for free. Can't beat that rate!
They had kiddie slopes, and that's where we started -- except that Bubby took Hadassah inside for some quiet time out of the cold. The kids had a good time, but the older ones wanted to try the real slopes. Eventually we split up and they got to do the big hills. Everyone had a good time. Sara Nechama's favorite part was an area near the kiddie slopes -- there were some large pipes covered with snow that the kids could climb over and through. It was a fun time, but I think next time we'll leave snow tubing just for the bigger kids. The littler ones ended up spending a lot of the time inside with Bubby and Hadassah.
Today was back to school for everyone except Sara Nechama. She spent the day at Bubby's again.
Now we're just wondering if there will be school tomorrow. It's snowing (again). I doubt the kids will complain if they get another day of vacation. And if I get to sleep in late, I certainly won't be complaining either.
P.S. If you read this, please post a comment. I get a kick out of seeing comments in response to my posts. Plus, it shows me that you've actually read it. You can just write that you read it or something like that. Or you could comment that my blogs are way too long. Actually, from what I've seen, most of you are pretty creative and could come up with something far more interesting than my suggestions, so I'm looking forward to lots of comments -- I think our record so far is 8 comments for one post (Tovey's iSenbloggers inquiry).
Sunday morning we took a trip to Ultimate Play Zone. They had open play hours for children 8 and under, which was perfect for us. We took Chaim Rosenblum with us too, 'cuz it's always more fun when you take a friend along (he's Julie's 3 year old). The kids all had a good time. It's basically one of those places with inflatables for kids to bounce on and slide down.
On the way home from there (actually, really on the way home from dropping off Chaim), we were stopped at a red light. Glancing out my window, I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. Who do you suppose was in the car next to us? It was Shmuly and Avital. We rolled down our windows and had a short conversation. They were on their way to a museum in DC. The rest of our Sunday was pretty quiet. The kids played outside in the snow. After lunch we offered the kids a trip to the library, but they declined. So some of us went to 7 Mile, but mostly the kids just spent the afternoon at home doing whatever it is they do.
Monday was the day scheduled for the "big" trip. Unfortunately, Yosef was going to work, so it was just me and the kids. But we took along Bubby and Janice and her 4 kids, so we had plenty of company. And we filled up our entire van!! We drove to Pennsylvania, near York, and toured the Utz potato chip factory. It was a self-guided tour, where you can push buttons near windows overlooking the actual working machinery to hear about what you are looking at. And, of course, there were free chips. The kids found it interesting, although I think the littler ones (ages 3 and under) most enjoyed the long hallway to run up and down. I thought it was fun when some of the workers looked up and waved at us. Then we went to the nearby Utz outlet store and bought some more chips and got more free chips. Lunch was served in the van in the store parking lot.
After, actually, more like during lunch, we drove to the next destination -- snow tubing. A local tzedaka organization had linked up with the place so that some of the proceeds would go to the tzedaka. We had pre-paid for me and the older kids and were told it would be cheaper to pay for the kids when we got there. When we signed in, they told us there was some sort of mix up with the coordinator for the tzedaka org, so the kids could just go in for free. Can't beat that rate!
They had kiddie slopes, and that's where we started -- except that Bubby took Hadassah inside for some quiet time out of the cold. The kids had a good time, but the older ones wanted to try the real slopes. Eventually we split up and they got to do the big hills. Everyone had a good time. Sara Nechama's favorite part was an area near the kiddie slopes -- there were some large pipes covered with snow that the kids could climb over and through. It was a fun time, but I think next time we'll leave snow tubing just for the bigger kids. The littler ones ended up spending a lot of the time inside with Bubby and Hadassah.
Today was back to school for everyone except Sara Nechama. She spent the day at Bubby's again.
Now we're just wondering if there will be school tomorrow. It's snowing (again). I doubt the kids will complain if they get another day of vacation. And if I get to sleep in late, I certainly won't be complaining either.
P.S. If you read this, please post a comment. I get a kick out of seeing comments in response to my posts. Plus, it shows me that you've actually read it. You can just write that you read it or something like that. Or you could comment that my blogs are way too long. Actually, from what I've seen, most of you are pretty creative and could come up with something far more interesting than my suggestions, so I'm looking forward to lots of comments -- I think our record so far is 8 comments for one post (Tovey's iSenbloggers inquiry).
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