Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mazel tov the the Aronins

I'm not sure anybody checks out this blog anymore.  But just in case, here' s the latest breaking news in the Isenberg family.  Rucky and Dovi had a baby girl late last night (11:43)  She weighed in at 5lb 14 oz.  Mother and baby are B"H fine.  Mazel tov and much nachas!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Purim 2012 - I call this "Inner Me"

I scare myself sometimes :) Hope you like! Happy Shushan Purim!!

 Spent a good hour on my eye makeup...
Me and my friend the Little Mermaid

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I want this!

I know i'm not supposed to want to learn Gemara :) but just can't help myself. This is really AWESOME!!! Feel free to buy me (an Ipad and) the program!

Thanks in advance!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Purim Story ~ in Rhyme. N'joy!

Thought I'd share this here too for those of you not on FB.

Because I was bored... and refreshers couldn't hurt.  Hope you have as much fun reading as I had writing :)

It started way back in a land far aways
At a party of 180 nights and days
Achashverosh when drunk and arguably insane
Punished his wife Vashti – and had her slain.

The search was on for a pretty new queen
All maidens summoned to the palace to preen
Finally a young Jewess named Esther was bidden
To the palace she went, nationality hidden

Chosen by the king because of her beauty
Esther took on the role with a strong sense of duty
In the land of Shushan all seemed quite good
Peace restored to the Palace neighborhood.

But something was amiss in the Shushan state
Poison was found on Achashverosh’s dinner plate
The culprits were caught because of Mordechai the Jew
And he earned a place in the king’s inner crew

Another man basking in Achashverosh’s light
Was a father of 10, Haman the Amalekite
Mordechai’s new fame was a thorn in his side
Haman swore vengeance to this blight on his pride

Haman drew a lottery to pick month and day
Plotting to kill Mordechai and make his nation pay
The 14th of Adar was fated to be
For Jews, a day of death, murder, and infamy

Mordechai told Queen Esther the disastrous news
Of the death warrant out on her brothers and sisters – the Jews
Esther was afraid, for to go un-summoned to the king
Was asking for trouble and often life-ending.
But at Mordechai’s request and great risk to her life
Esther went to the king banking on her role as queen and wife

Granted an audience with the king for a time
She invited Achashverosh and Grand Vizier Haman, to dine
To a party, a feast, fit for a king
Lavish foods, pleasant music, in the queen’s private wing

At the party that evening the king offered Esther a wish
Up to half his kingdom presented hers as his gift
But Esther declined and asked instead
That Haman and the king join her again to break bread
The king was disposed to grant this request fast
And Haman was ecstatic, thinking “I’ve made it! At last!”

That fateful night, the King could not sleep
Warm milk, soft music, even counting sheep
Couldn’t help the king and his anxiety grew
He commanded his servant “Bring the book of records to check for outstanding dues”

The pages were flipped and stories were told
Of taxes paid out and treaties new and old
At last the page turned telling of Mordechai the Jew
Who saved the king’s life – knocking attempted murderers askew

He had not been awarded for his bravery yet
Achashverosh beholden to repay his life’s debt
Easing his conscience to sleep without delay
He pledged to award Mordechai the very next day

Yet later that night he was awoken again
Due to an urgent request from his advisor Haman
Sick of the Jew, the plan was to ask
For the king’s permission to take Mordechai to task.

You see Mordechai as a Jew refused to bow down
To Haman or the idol hanging ‘round the neck of his gown.
This affront was more than Haman could afford
“That’s ridiculous!” he thought “Who would believe in one Lord?!”
“Mordechai should hang for this lack of regard”
And he began building gallows near the palace yard.

But before Haman could gain approval for this plan
The king asked his opinion on awarding a deserving man
“This must be me!” he almost bleated
Thus instructing the king on how he wished to be treated

“Dressed as royalty, in colors and crown
This man should ride the king’s horse through the town”
And led by the highest ranking man through the streets
Yelling to the gathering crowds “kacha ye’aseh la’ish -
This is what is done in payment to the man
Whom the King wishes to honor above all in the land!”

The King approved the idea and assigned Haman right then
To lead Mordechai - the Jew - honored among men
Haman guiding the horse, hanging his head in dejection
Passed through the streets shouting, with trilled inflection

From rooftops above, as Mordechai passed by
Stood onlookers shouting and cheering “What a guy!
For this is the man whom the king wishes to award
With nobility, wealth, and titles – maybe knight or a lord?”

But from one window up high stood a girl at the ready
To pour garbage on the man holding the horse steady
Thinking it was Mordechai, and not Haman her father
She dumped trash on his head filled of scraps, assorted fodder
Upon realizing her mistake she was filled with sheer terror
And jumped to her death - avoiding penalty for her error

Staggering home from the procession covered in sadness and grime
Haman cleaned up quick and returned to the palace in time
He was sure great reward still awaited him in the end.
At the feast of Queen Esther he was invited to attend

At the queen’s dinner party – Haman felt on top of the world
While Esther’s real plans quickly unfurled
“My king,” she began, “you have asked time after time
Who I am, where I’m from, source of my family’s line

"My people have been sold for slavery and destruction
To be slain and much worse – all at one man’s instruction
I am Jewess you see, and I must beg for my life
As I am threatened and scared – despite position as your wife”

The king’s face turned quite white, and then red with anger
“Who could possibly be out to cause my Esther such danger!?
Reveal his name at once – identify this man!”
Replied Esther - “It’s none other than the wicked Haman!”

The King rather livid, and at Harbonah’s suggest
Hanged Haman and his sons for an eternal life’s rest
His possessions and land were given to the queen
Along with permission to use the king’s signet ring.

Together with Mordechai, now second in command
Esther dispatched letters to all provinces of the land
Proclaiming the Jews every right to fight back
Against any malicious assault or criminal attack.

From Hodu to Cush the Jews were well defended
And on the 14th day of Adar attacks finally ended
Now every year to commemorate this great win
We gather, dress up, and give gifts – Happy Purim!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Shalom's Party

So, against better judgement, Dovi and I hosted 17 first grade boys today (shouldv'e been 21, but 4 didn't make it) for a 7th birthday party for Shalom. The boys painted flower pots, in honor of Tu B'shvat and we even planted seeds. We played a little Tu B'shvat bingo, freeze dance, and hot and cold. Above you can see a pic of the cool Transformers cake, courtesy of Jewel and very yummy. It was a bit exhausting, as you can imagine, but we survived!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

And the name is ---

Mazel Tov to Esti and Chaim on the Bris of their son, Moshe - named after Chaim's grandfather. The Bris and Shalom Zachar were beautiful but snowy - lots of leftover food. Parents, siblings, and baby Moshe are B"H doing fine.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chinese Art

Lookie! This is some of the art I've been working on...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Free Photo

Hi guys,

So snapfish is giving me a free 8x10 that expires in a week. I am not going to use it. Do any of you want it? You would have to pay for shipping.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Southwest $20 Discount

Hi Everyone,

I have a code for $20 discount on a southwest ticket up for grabs. The ticket has to be purchased by 2/1/12 for travel by 2/16/12. I am not going to be using it. So if any of you want it - let me know :)