Today, the Baltimore Shomrim put together a carnival and flag football game against the Baltimore police for the community to support the Baltimore mounted police unit. Sounded like fun, so while Yosef stayed home to try to sleep away his congestion, I went out with our 5(!) kids to check out the fun.
Once there, we bought some ride tickets and then checked out what was there. First, Yanky, Tzvi, and Shifra got a turn to sit in a police helicopter. No, they were not giving rides, but it's still neat to climb in and be in a real helicopter. Sara decided not to go in. I'm not sure why. Last year when we went to one of these things, she did take a turn.
Next, we got on line for pony rides. This time, Sara took a turn too. I think she was kind of terrified, but kind of liked it too. For Shifra, I walked next to her during her ride, holding on to her just in case. Yanky was relegated to watching Hadassah while I did my hakafos with Shifra, but that was fine since there were only 2 ponies in the ring. Yanky and Sara went first, Tzvi and Shifra second shift.
While we were waiting on line for the pony rides, we were standing right near the football field where they were getting ready to start the game. For the intro, they had some people speak, and then some sort of marching drumming band performed, which was interesting to see and hear. Those were some LARGE drums. Loud, too.
After the ponies, we checked out the police horses -- way bigger than those ponies, an armored police truck, police motorcycles (which the kids got to sit on), and a police technical assistance unit whatever that is (the 4 older kids went in while I stayed out with Hadassah. The thing looked like some sort of souped up RV).
Next we went to the inflatables, except that Yanky and Tzvi wanted to do the rock climbing wall. So we left them waiting on line while I took the girls to an inflatable climbing/slide thing that they enjoyed going on repeatedly. As a matter of fact, I told the girls that that was enough and it was time to get their shoes on. I helped Sara get her shoes on, and then turned around to say hi to a neighbor, and when I turned back, Shifra was gone. I went around to the entrance of the slide, and, yup, there she was, ready for another go at it. I finally got her off with the offer of a cotton candy. I don't think Shifra knew what cotton candy was, but anything with "candy" in its name is tempting to her. We got cotton candy and brought it over to the boys who were still waiting in line for their turn at the climbing wall. They enjoyed watching the helicopter lift off while eating cotton candy on line. After the climbing wall, which the boys didn't complain about, but seemed like an utter disappointment to me, it was time to go home -- it was already getting dark and the carnival was closing up. Yanky was able to climb to at least past his height, but not much more, and Tzvi couldn't really climb the wall at all. Oh, well, as long as they weren't complaining . . . .
On a somewhat separate note, I guess the family fun time today tired me out. Yosef put Shifra to bed while I took the 3 oldest kids to Seven Mile Market for some quick grocery shopping. Then, after supper, I put Sara to bed. Next, while I put Tzvi to bed, I laid down with him and fell asleep. At about the time I was putting Tzvi to bed, Yosef left to ma'ariv and learning. Next thing I know, Yanky comes into his room to go to bed. He didn't realize at first that I was there. He didn't know where any parents were, but being 9:30, he decided to go to bed even without a parent to send him. And despite the fact that I usually try to get him to bed at 8:45, I was impressed! My kids do not usually go to bed voluntarily! Speaking of going to bed, I think it's about time for me to re-hit the sack. Good night, all.