Mazel tov to Tzvi. Today we (Yosef, my mother, the 3 girls, and myself) attended his siyum at school for completing parashas Bereishis. The class sang some songs (including the listing of the name of every parasha and of every mesechta of mishnayos and all the lamed tes melachos along with their translations -- did you know that sosair means unbuilding? -- seriously, though, it was pretty impressive. I know I couldn't list all that by heart.) Then, each boy read and translated one pasuk from the last perek in the parasha. Tzvi did a great job, as did just about all of the other boys too. Then they learned the first pasuk of Noach, then sang some songs, ending with siman tov u'mazel tov and then dancing around the room with the fathers joining in too. Then everyone went downstairs for refreshments. The Rebbi's wife had made a really impressive cake. It was huge, shaped like a sefer Torah, and had each boy's name written on it in frosting, and each boy was served the piece with his name (good thing Tzvi didn't really care about the cake -- due to the short length of his name, his piece was much smaller than, say, the kid named Mordechai Yonah). A good time was had by all.

In other news, I bought a new digital camera for myself and relinquished the old one to the kids. Tzvi and Yanky got new shoes today, and Yanky lost his sixth tooth tonight (or you could call it his seventh if you count the one that was pulled).
Lisa has just proven why kids should have 3 names...
ReplyDeleteDoes Hodaya already like to eat cake? :-)
ReplyDeleteshe has not tasted it yet, only looked longingly at it while we eat it. i have no doubt she will like it.
ReplyDeleteand luckily she'll get a big piece.