Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ramblings of an insomniac

This is what I wrote at 3 am two nights ago. . . wasn't sure if i should post, but figured why not. may even start getting u guys back to posting more regularly....

Yo, mi famila. wassup? long time no post on this thing, and well, I can't sleep so I figured it'd be nice to give the folks in Israel something to read during their waking hours.

I am tired, mentally and physically exhausted and smell oddly of rubbing alcohol (thanks Esti!) but my apt is almost ready to be cleansed of the bugs that shall not be named. Most likely the dreaded B-bug that 1 out of 17 NY'ers are dealing with these days. (I thank my friend Elana for that statistic) Kinda makes me want to move to Montana, Nebraska or really any state ending with "A". (Steer clear of Arizona though  - i hear they're not too far behind with bug issues of their own. ask Esti for more info - i haven't been reading much of the news lately)

According to my doc after a number of treatments for moquito bites, hypocondria, scabies (i kid you not), or worse?! with modern technology and a biopsy of a bite they did discovered that the "wonderful" bites/rash/allergic breakout/hives i now posess may be caused by a mosquito, spider or some other lovely insect that has taken up residence with me. So i guess hypocondria is out. what a relief!

Whatever the cause, i expect by this time tomorrow anything living in my apt will no longer be living (that is, aside from me of course) God bless exterminators. May they live long and kill (bugs) often.

I think the past few weeks many of the Isenbergs and co. have had a bit of a rough time. Hope T-Dawgs feelin better, and Shira's more calm - and parents are less worried about their NY daughter who cant' seem to shut off the waterworks when it comes to talking about multiple legged creat- well, lets not go there for all our sakes. and baruch dayan haemes -my condolences to Chaifenstein on the loss of her beloved computer James.  (Go with a SONY this time!!)

Anyhoo, just wanted to post and get this blog moving again. Thanks to Lisa for keeping the momentum!! Post pics? I'm curious to see what Chaifenator and T made in art class. Post pics? And how was the Isenbergs of WRP*'s trip to the holy land?! (post pics :-D  ??)

Oh almost forgot. I want to add a few of our readers on to be authors too... you know who you are. (just in case you don't: Y&C chicago,  S&A israel) so send/resend me your emails and I'll add you to the list happily.

Lila tov to all and to all a good night.

*West Rogers Park


Today's update: baruch Hashem yom yom that the heat remediation went fine according to the experts and my apt is ok to live in.  (hopefully it'll cool off soon... so i can live comfortably) thanks to all who helped me out and suffered through "crazy hudis" my apt is almost back in one piece and tomorrow it's back to work.

And Itchie's on FACEBOOK!?!? wow.  

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