Thursday, October 28, 2010

Long time... post and figured it was about time the Big Apple contigent has their say.

It's almost Itchie's birthday, which means that the anniversary of ... wait for it.... ISENBERG SWEATSHIRTS!!! is coming up.

In celebration of the expansion of our clan in the last few years, I think it's only appropriate to start another family project.  As the Project Manager of the IF, I would like to open the  floor to you, the elustrious members, for your input and ideas on how to best celebrate the 62nd year since the IF establishment (State-side) began. (If you're not sure how I calculated the years, look at the back of your sweatshirts. Moshe I know you have one.)

So folks, what's it going to be? I open the floor to ideas. On November 2nd*, I'll call a vote, and "acharei rabim l'hatos" in true Democratic fashion.

Let the discussion begin.


*extra points if you know what that day is!!


  1. if we are going to make something - i say we make jerseys!

  2. How about wristbands? I know that some of the newer members would appreciate them.

  3. Silly bands in the shape of an "I"

  4. Lol! When Rucky said newer members I thought she meant Adina and Avital or Dan, so it didn't make any sense.

  5. How about aprons? I like practical things
