Monday, May 31, 2010

Boxes and tape

It's official!  Shmuly and I are homeowners of 2305 Shady Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. I'm sure you're all looking for pictures but I haven't found the camera yet (it's in some random box someplace) so you'll just need to wait in suspense!!
Today, I had off from my fieldwork/internship (YAY!) because of the holiday, which was really nice, even though I needed to go in yesterday to make up the day that I'll be missing for the wedding.  I was able to be at our house today when the movers came so that I could direct them and make sure nothing was damaged.  Also, I spent fro about 11-4 unpacking and organizing boxes.  So far the kitchen is basically all unpacked.  This is going to take a loooong time... 
So for now, I'm still at my parents' house and Shmuly is back in Baltimore, staying at Lisa and Yosef's.  
We'll keep you updated and try to send out pictures as soon as I can find the camera....

Monday, May 24, 2010

You Can Say That Again

I agree. Yesterday was a busy Sunday.

Our Sundays start off with getting the boys off to school. I get them ready and Yosef drives them. Once they leave, I usually go back to bed while Sara and Shifra play and Hadassah naps. This Sunday, though, we got a visitor. Actually, two visitors. Shmuly came over to pick something up from our house, and he brought Ahuva with. So we got our last chance to see Ahuva in Baltimore for a while. (We figure we'll probably see her in Baltimore next by Yanky's bar mitzva.)

After that, we headed off to a mall. Unlike the Aronins, though, we just went to one that we were used to, so we knew how to get there without any extra turns. Luckily, Shifra did not make any issues about that fact that she would be walking rather than pushed in a stroller. Hadassah got the stroller privileges this time. (I had brought a baby carrier just in case, but I was just as happy not to use it.) B"H, our shopping trip was successful -- we found shoes for Sara and Shifra to wear to the chasuna (their color is bone), and also a cute hair clip for each of them.

When we left the mall, it was rather dreary out, so I didn't feel like making any other stops although I maybe should have. (We passed by a Walmart, and I wanted to get a b-day present for Sara's friend whose b-day party Sara will IY"H be attending on Memorial Day, and I could have used some baby food jars too.) So we just went home. It was lunch time anyway.

While Yosef and the girls were eating lunch, I ran out to Hats to Hose and bought the girls socks for the chasuna. For some reason, I didn't get for Hadassah, though. Don't know where my mind was when I made that decision. And I can't even blame it on the kids -- I left them all home with Yosef for this trip. So, except for hair gel for Sara, she and Shifra are all set for the chasuna. Yay!!!

Meanwhile, we had brought out our casio/keyboard thingie. It's a Yamaha YPT-320 if that means anything to anyone out there. We won it at the Ner Israel Kollel auction this year. My first time winning one of the real prizes there! (I had won some instant raffle prizes last year and again this year. Fun!) Anyway, the kids were having a good time with that. But we had library books due, so at 4, we left for the library, despite the fact that the library closes at 5 on Sundays. But we made it there and managed to pick out another 30 or 40 books before they threw us out. Our last stop was Walmart since there was one near the library, so we did get a b-day present for Sara's classmate. We did not get baby food though. I wonder if they don't carry the Beech-Nut jars there 'cuz it's not near the Jewish community or what, but if you're ever in Baltimore and looking for them, don't try the Towson Walmart.

When we got home, all the kids had fun looking at library books. And, Chaife, we got another Farmer Brown/Duck book, sort of -- it's a counting book. We were thinking of you.

Finally, everything wound down for the day. Well, I thought they had, but then Hadassah came down with a fever. But B"H, with the help of a late night feeding and a dose of Tylenol, she slept decently. We went to the dr. today, and he diagnosed it as viral. The fever might be gone by now -- she seemed much better this evening. Either that, or her last dose of Tylenol worked really well.

Things I made when I should have been cooking for Shavuos

but we had enough food anyway...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

One busy Sunday!

After a Sunday morning of vacuuming and picking up our new fixture for the dining room (Thanks, Ta!), we were off to Woodfield mall*. After many twists and turns, thanks - or no thanks, rather, - to mapquest, we made it to our destination. Our shopping extravaganza really ended up being more of a window shopping trip, as there were no purchases to be had. We also made it to IKEA! the highlight of the trip for me**. I got some new bedding for the kids' rooms. We could've spent longer there, its just one of those stores, however, we ran out of time (Dovi had to be back to set up for a wedding.) The kids and I went to an estate sale where they picked out some toys. And because of the 94 degree weather, we ended off the day in Itche and Chaife style, with a slurpee!

*Shalom was excited to just be going on the highway. He's easy to please. Michal thought we were going on vacation.
**Michal's highlight was the vacuuming (go figure), while Shalom enjoyed the slurpee (understandable). Hadassah's highlight was the animal crackers.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Off to the Holy Land

I hope everyone had a great Shavuos! Have to admit - was kinda nice in the Heights. There was an all night learning program, ate together with friends, and even the meat pizza (yes- cheeseless) was a hit!

The only downside to all this revely is that I haven't slept for more than 3 hours at a time in the last 4 days... slightly nauseous actually -- BUT my paper is almost done (i know i keep saying that...), laundry washed, dishes clean from yom tov, and i've been working pretty steadily today since getting into the office at 8 am - I can almost see my desk again through the piles of paper i had to get through!

now i just have to pack, chug enough caffeine to get through a workout, shimendy's for Shabbat - and in one days time ~ i'm off to the HOLY LAND!

Work is sending me again to Israel for their fall registration - there are some definite perks to this job. I'm going to be there with just enough time to adjust to the sleeping habits of the Israeli's and then leave. I'll have a cell phone while i'm there- 052-609 2147 - so feel free to call. If last visit is any indication, I'll probably be working in the office from 9am - 6pm and then in the hotel for the rest of the night, but I hope to see Sruface - and Adina, the Kotel, and the Beach. possibly even in that order... Ari, Shanit and co. graciously let me invite myself to them for the Sabbath too.

Anything you want from Israel - you might be better off asking Sruly - hehe - but let me know and I'll do my best...  :)

Have a great Shabbos

PS In case your wonderin' about the "label" - my co-worker calls me j-bomb. kinda stuck... i don't ask.

Monday, May 17, 2010


After almost 20 years (ok, probably more like 18, but it sounds more dramatic this way), I am transitioning over to my gmail accounts. Apologies to all those who received my Cialis emails - if you want a real prescription, I'll have Dr. Dan hook you up (privacy ensured!).

Please update your address books to reflect my other email accounts - and That is, if you even bother to email me to begin with....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ever Wonder...

What Michal would look like with long, straight hair?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shout Out To . . .

Mendy . . .


(Don't worry, we won't divulge your age. Especially because we don't remember it anyway.)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ahuva's new thing

Ahuva's new thing is that she crawls around playing with only one hand because she needs to hold her baby on her shoulder at all times....


So I'm basically done with my last semester! Just have one more final to take on Monday night. I'm having a hard time finding any motivation to study for this cuz it doesn't really matter how I do.
Ahuva is getting 2 teeth on the bottom and she's had a runny nose and been kvetchy for the past few days. But she's cute as ever and is so excited to hang out with Chaife next week! :)

Between now and when I leave Baltimore (a week from Sunday) we still need to continue packing up our apartment, get my dress for the wedding, alter my dress for the wedding, finish some last minute school things, have Shavuos, a graduation tea (on Friday after Shavuos), and I'm sure there's more if I actually took the time to think about it. Instead, I am procrastinating. :)

Shmuly finished his class today-- last prerequisite before pharmacy school. He's going to be staying in Baltimore working a four day work week and coming to Pittsburgh for shabbos until June 15th. Movers are coming to BAltimore on May 30th and delivering in Pittsburgh on May 31st. Shout out to all who are helping bring stuff to Pittsburgh for us, u know who u are! ;)

Anyway, hope ya'll have a good night....Sorry for rambling on and on...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Countdown Continues...

So I know there's the whole "counting up" to Shavuous.. but I'm counting down till this school semester is OVER. (I always did like to be different) Just one more week if I make it that long. The 40 page paper is now up to 44 pages* and I still need to add about 8 more sources... so that should be fun. And my brain can't seem to hold any more information about Jewish and Christian relationships during the 11th - 15th centuries. Suffice it to say - they weren't good.**

Figured I'd take this short study break - one of about 50 i had so far today- to say hi to the masses, apologize for not returning your call Rucky, and encourage the posting of more entries, pics, and....things to help me procrastinate.

...back to the books.


*Thanks to all my editors and critics so far!
** Thanks ma/aunt Shirley for helping me find where "veye'esayu kol l'avdecha... v'yitnu lecha keser melucha" is found in Yom Kippur davening - musaf chazarat hashatz as an FYI

Monday, May 3, 2010

My new dress fits!

And it makes me look like a princess!