Thursday, December 22, 2011

I need your help


My building installed electronic locks on the front door and unforutnately I have no Shabbat friendly alternative to enter/exit my apartment building.

I plan to speak to a lawyer to inquire what legal rights, if any, are there to protect this type of religious observance and am collecting information via google form (link below) to determine how many others share this dilemma.

Please pass this along to anyone and everyone you may know who lives in a building like this, or may know someone who knows someone etc.  If you blog, please include this form/link. If you Facebook - please make this your status message. If you have an email listing - send that too and if you want to buy an add in the likutei pshatim or your local shul's weekly publication feel free.
Thank you for your help - tizku limitzvot - and let the social networking begin. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I passed

I passed my regulation exam for the CPA. One down three more to go! Thanks everyone for your support!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy Chanukkah/Holidays

Thought you guys (whoever doesn't necessarily have Facebook) would appreciate this.

ok, it's technically a non-Jewish song that they changed lyrics, and the holiday is all about overcoming Helenism.... Buuut I figure changing lyrics for kosher entertainment qualifies as 'overcoming'

Happy (early) Chanukkah!

Happy happy

BIRTHDAY TO MIMI! I hope we all celebrate many more happy and healthy years to come. (i got a really cute pic of the frosting-faced b-day girl. (Sort of what you'd call Isenberg-tradition?) probably available to more upon request.  just sayin...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

And the name is ---

For those of you who have not yet heard the news, the name of the newest member of the Isenberg clan is Shulamis Bracha Isenberg. Mazel Tov!!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mazel Tov!

Mazel tov the Yosef & Lisa and the entire Isenberg Family. It's a girl! Yehi Ratzon Shetizku L'Gadlah L'Torah, L'chuppa, Ul'maasim Tovim!