Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I shall be heading across the Atlantic for work and play! (First Stop - Israel!)  My ticket is booked (12/28 - 1/14) and once I get the guide book from Chaifenstein (Thanks Drs. Rubin) I'm going to book my hotel stay in ROME! Yes, Rome, like the Italian Republic (Italian: Italia, IPA: [i'taːlja] or Repubblica Italiana, IPA: [ɾe ˌpubblika ita 'ljaːna]), the Southern European country.

Elana B is gonna meet me out in the Middle East and we're going to explore the Holy Land for a week and stay through Shabbat. Bright and early Monday morning we head to Roma. I'm uber excited - it's going to be ballisimo! And maybe I'll even get to meet Andrea Boccelli or Josh Groban. Yes, I know the don't live there and the likelihood I'll run into them even if they did is slim to none - but a girl can dream.  Here's where I'd imagine Davey starting to sing "al improviso aah tuu tuu!" hehe.


  1. Make sure you stop by the Colosseum that was built on the backs of Jewish slaves from the Churban.

  2. I was reading this with Mutty and before we finished i told him that Josh Groban is that italian singer that Yehudis listened to. then i quoted al improviso amorei . apparently you guessed right!
