Monday, December 21, 2009

Maybe I'm cold blooded?

The long awaited WINTER has graced us with her presence! Who's excited? Slippery streets, black ice, biting winds, climbing over piles of shoveled snow to get to the crosswalk, stepping in 4 inches of slush to avoid getting hit by cars and other pedestrians, and of course there's the thrill of getting hit by stray snowballs as you climb up the giant hill to work. I know, right?! What's not to love?

I've also had the absolute wintery pleasure of being freezing for the past 3 days now. My heat apparently doesn't go on that high - or it's just that cold outside. I've taken hot showers, blow-dried hair, layered in sweatshirts, socks, blankets, and even a thermal that didnt' do diddly squat. And then there's 'inside out' remedies like warm drinks, warm food, but alas, like the Berenstein Bears who dared to go in the Spooky old Tree, I've still got the shivers.

Either I'm cold-blooded like my fav BY teacher (shoutout E-BP! hehe) or sick, but either way I think the time has come to start workin on my "get the heck out of Dodge" plan.

So ... where to live? I want mild/warm preferrably without tornadoes, hurricanes, and/or earthquakes. The basic plan is to avoid natural disasters and political unrest.

I'm open to suggestion.


  1. esti ben porat teaches at Bais Yaakov???

  2. Malta does sound nice. Any good jobs there?

    and no she-nerd, EBP doesn't teach there - but she did tell a teach or ours that she (the teach) was cold blooded :)

  3. ..always did love that story. years later it still makes me laugh

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Okay...invest in a good old down blanket, buy yourself a 20 dollar portable heater and I can't believe you remember that story. Another reason why teachers shouldn't ask rhetorical questions!

  6. Wow, I want to know what Esti censored!
