Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Next Blog
It's cool, check it out! Every time you click it changes to a different blog!!! Really keeping me busy......
Monday, March 22, 2010
Krud Kutter
A Pesach must-see and have, for only one easy payment of $5.98 at a Lowes store near you!
Happy Hebrew Birthday Hodaya!
Was it really a year ago that our little button, our buggy, our pokeyhead made her grand entrance?? Well actually a year from yesterday (this morning and last night, Hebrew bdays are so complicated). All I can say is THANK G-D for Hodi-bear and for not having to make Pesach 7 days post-delivery.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Just wanted to make sure ya'll knew that we (Mo,Vo and Lil' Mo) as well as UY will be eating at UA and AS on Lawndale for the first passover lunch and the second seder....
seeing how we will be there, we expect all of you to be there as well......
so...who's with us?
Friday, March 19, 2010
kitchen blunders....
So.. Chaifenstein has really been awesome in the cooking department the last few Shabboses that I had guests over. But alas, she ditched me for Shimendy's this weekend and I was on my own. Somehow my laid back lunch of "just 3 people" turned into 7 or is it 8... ?
Needless to say I think I'm out of practice. Burned the top of my knuckle on the oven, knicked my finger (which kitchen shears no less!), and broke a nail! I think it's the nail that really makes me mad the most.
And Fresh-Direct aka Peapod of the E Coast - didn't deliver one entire box of groceries! Just another monkeywrench thrown in for the evening. (But they did send the chicken i needed and the cocount sorbet - which i've recently become obsessed with - IT'S just THAT GOOD! - so I can't hate them too much)
Looking forward to Shabbos - where I'm not allowed to cook/clean/or work.. God sure knew what He was doin.
Shabbat shalom Isen-peoples...
PS: UY ~ welcome!! let me know what your preferred email address is so i can add you to the bloggers!
PPS: Chai I know I'm gonna forget to call/email u later- I left a dress by Shira - can you bring it back to Chi-town for me?
Needless to say I think I'm out of practice. Burned the top of my knuckle on the oven, knicked my finger (which kitchen shears no less!), and broke a nail! I think it's the nail that really makes me mad the most.
And Fresh-Direct aka Peapod of the E Coast - didn't deliver one entire box of groceries! Just another monkeywrench thrown in for the evening. (But they did send the chicken i needed and the cocount sorbet - which i've recently become obsessed with - IT'S just THAT GOOD! - so I can't hate them too much)
Looking forward to Shabbos - where I'm not allowed to cook/clean/or work.. God sure knew what He was doin.
Shabbat shalom Isen-peoples...
PS: UY ~ welcome!! let me know what your preferred email address is so i can add you to the bloggers!
PPS: Chai I know I'm gonna forget to call/email u later- I left a dress by Shira - can you bring it back to Chi-town for me?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
It's been a while, so I'll post again instead of cleaning (again)
Not too much going on here, but a few things we can share.
Thanks, everyone for all of the b-day and anniversary wishes. I think we received a record number this year.
Following in Tattie's tradition, we have probably bought enough hand-made shmura matza to last a few years . . . .
Pesach cleaning is coming along slowly and not necessarily steadily. The goal is to turn over the kitchen after Shabbos -- Motzaei Shabbos and Sunday.
Julie and Rafi just become homeowners yesterday. For those who know the area, their house is on Willow Glen between Greenspring and Fallstaff. They plan to move IY"H next week.
Sara Nechama and Shifra officially end school next Mon. for Pesach, but Shifra's playgroup offers daycare for the rest of the week, and Sara N and Shifra will both be attending BE"H. The boys have school through next Thurs. I think the boys will be having potato chips and apples for lunch all week next week. (Lunch will be provided for the girls at the daycare. At least I think it will be.)
Thanks, everyone for all of the b-day and anniversary wishes. I think we received a record number this year.
Following in Tattie's tradition, we have probably bought enough hand-made shmura matza to last a few years . . . .
Pesach cleaning is coming along slowly and not necessarily steadily. The goal is to turn over the kitchen after Shabbos -- Motzaei Shabbos and Sunday.
Julie and Rafi just become homeowners yesterday. For those who know the area, their house is on Willow Glen between Greenspring and Fallstaff. They plan to move IY"H next week.
Sara Nechama and Shifra officially end school next Mon. for Pesach, but Shifra's playgroup offers daycare for the rest of the week, and Sara N and Shifra will both be attending BE"H. The boys have school through next Thurs. I think the boys will be having potato chips and apples for lunch all week next week. (Lunch will be provided for the girls at the daycare. At least I think it will be.)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Another school and some other news...
FYI-- Shmuly got accepted to University of Maryland Pharmacy! Now we can choose between Cincinnati and Baltimore...

Just to keep everyone up to date-- we found a new babysitter for Ahuva finally! We decided to stop sending her to the old babysitter when I saw a kid eating lunch in a highchair that had ants crawling on the tray. Oh well, Ahuva's just been getting extra protein for the last few months and her pincer grasp is great! Hopefully the new babysitter will be better. :)
This shabbos we have a special visitor coming from Chicago-- Grandma Leah. Should be nice. That's all to report! Good night!!!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010

catch ya'll later!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hodi & Shira's visit to YU
Shoutout to Shira and Hodi for making the trekk uptown to good ol' Washington Heights. Ate lunch at the pizza shop and after they came by my office so i could, what else, show off my niece. She made herself at home right away crawling around the office floor. Hodi was a HUGE hit with my co-workers - I've never seen so many adults make silly faces, strange noises and talk in baby-talk before today. Quite an eye-opening experience.
T'was lots of fun - and would love to have more nieces and nephews come visit - or at least send me pics so i can show 'em off in other ways. (hint hint)
Oh - and Moshe called to say hi bc he was in town for a min. Now I want y'all to learn from him. You have my number. If you're in the tri-state area - um use it? (cough cough - mutty and dan...)
Gots to run - lila tov.
T'was lots of fun - and would love to have more nieces and nephews come visit - or at least send me pics so i can show 'em off in other ways. (hint hint)
Oh - and Moshe called to say hi bc he was in town for a min. Now I want y'all to learn from him. You have my number. If you're in the tri-state area - um use it? (cough cough - mutty and dan...)
Gots to run - lila tov.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Free Headphones!!
So I'm not sure how many of you know about my latest quest/fight! Back in november I bought two pairs of headphones - a $5 dollar pair and a $15 dollar pair. And I thought that the $15 dollar pair would for sure last at least as long as the $5 dollar pair. I only started using the $15 dollar pair in the last week of january. Two weeks after I opened them up, the left ear stopped working. Another two weeks later and they were completely broken. Through NO fault of mine. So I decided to contact the company, philips, and complain. So I called them, no answer, I called them, they hung up on me, I called them, no answer, I called them, and finally I get to speak to a person and she can't help me! Instead she gave me an e-mail address to write to them. So I wrote to them, and they wrote back saying that I should send all my information and they would see what they could do. Oh - in my email I wrote that I wanted them to give me a new pair of free headphones to replace the broken ones. So I sent my info. but they wrote back that they needed the serial number and proof of purchase in order for them to do anything. It took forever to find the serial number, and I didn't have any proof of purchase, because I bought them back in november. So instead I sent a picture of my headphones, and I wrote something along the lines of - "see the picture - I own those headphones - and they are broken." Actually my e-mails were very polite! Finally today they contacted me that they are going to send me a new pair of headphones!!!
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