Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hodi & Shira's visit to YU

Shoutout to Shira and Hodi for making the trekk uptown to good ol' Washington Heights. Ate lunch at the pizza shop and after they came by my office so i could, what else, show off my niece. She made herself at home right away crawling around the office floor. Hodi was a HUGE hit with my co-workers - I've never seen so many adults make silly faces, strange noises and talk in baby-talk before today. Quite an eye-opening experience.

T'was lots of fun - and would love to have more nieces and nephews come visit - or at least send me pics so i can show 'em off in other ways. (hint hint)

Oh - and Moshe called to say hi bc he was in town for a min. Now I want y'all to learn from him. You have my number. If you're in the tri-state area - um use it? (cough cough - mutty and dan...)

Gots to run - lila tov.

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