Friday, March 19, 2010

kitchen blunders....

So.. Chaifenstein has really been awesome in the cooking department the last few Shabboses that I had guests over. But alas, she ditched me for Shimendy's this weekend and I was on my own.   Somehow my laid back lunch of  "just 3 people" turned into 7 or is it 8... ?

Needless to say I think I'm out of practice. Burned the top of my knuckle on the oven, knicked my finger (which kitchen shears no less!), and broke a nail! I think it's the nail that really makes me mad the most.

And Fresh-Direct aka Peapod of the E Coast - didn't deliver one entire box of groceries! Just another monkeywrench thrown in for the evening. (But they did send the chicken i needed and the cocount sorbet - which i've recently become obsessed with - IT'S just THAT GOOD! - so I can't hate them too much)

Looking forward to Shabbos - where I'm not allowed to cook/clean/or work.. God sure knew what He was doin.

Shabbat shalom Isen-peoples...


PS: UY ~ welcome!! let me know what your preferred email address is so i can add you to the bloggers!
PPS: Chai I know I'm gonna forget to call/email u later- I left a dress by Shira - can you bring it back to Chi-town for me?


  1. I can't take anything to chicago for you because I am not checking any bags - I'm only taking carry-ons. So I'm only packing essentials. Sorry :(

  2. Coconut Sorbet? Had I known I wouldn't have thrown mine out. That stuff is just gross (of course to those who don't like it)
